Posts tagged personal growth
Time management tips for better results

Why is it that some people get more done than others? Do they have more time, or do they have extra help? One thing is for sure, though, that time is a scares commodity and that you only have 1440 seconds per day. What you do with it is what matters, and here are some tips for you to be more productive during the day.

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How to find happiness and inner peace

Your mind is an extraordinary creation. There is nothing like it in nature. The one thing that separates us from the animals is that we can create our circumstances and our surrounding. The animals adapt to their surrounding. You can do and achieve anything if you put your mind and actions to it.

Your mind is a device that you are in total control over and jet; there are so many of us who are slaves under our circumstances.

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Leadership Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture

The Nuclear industry is not like any other business, in the sense that Nuclear safety is the number one priority. Leaders and employees shall always have that in mindset when it comes to behaviors, decision-making, accountability, work-processes, etc.

As a leader, you have to reinforce that mindset continuously.

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Be aware of the attitude diseases

Your attitude is a product of your beliefs. If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hand. If you don´t see it, your working attitude won´t take you there. The belief is like a rock at the bottom of the sea. This rock holds a chain to a buoy at the surface. That buoy is your attitude and can change from day to another. It cannot drift further away than the chain will let it tough.

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How to be an effective executive leader

There are many common traits for an effective leader. Success leads to clues. Here are some areas significant for exceptional leadership. To be highly effective as a leader, you have to lead yourself. If you cannot lead yourself, you cannot lead others. It is like what they say in an airplane, "In case of an emergency, make sure to put on your oxygen mask before you help someone else.

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How to become a better communicator and experience more success

Leadership is influence, and your ability to communicate and connect with others is essential for your success. Connecting with people is the ability to identify with and relate to them in such a way that it increases your influence with them When you influence people, they will follow you and listen to what you have to say.

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How to enjoy and master public speaking

When you speak to an audience, you have to create a connection with them. If you start with your name and what you are going to say, even though it is obvious, you will lose the majority in seconds. Instead, start with an interesting fact, a challenging question, or do something else that is uncommon. You need to get the audience's attention within the first minute; otherwise, no engagement.

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Be accountable and become the best you.

Have you run out of luck? Are you happy only occasionally? Do you let your feelings guide your actions, and are you slave to the situation? Does it matter what others think and say to you? If the answer is yes, we both know you have a problem. Most likely, you experience stress, self-doubt, headache, or other physical or psychological symptoms.  Can you change this, yes you can!

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Why action is important in leadership success

Real leaders make things happen. They lead by example and show the way. When I did my military service in the Swedish elite forces, our senior officers always lead us accordingly. They showed the way regardless if it was bathing in wintertime or crawling in the mud. We all felt they were there for us, and that created a sense of trust. The military has produced many great leaders.

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How you learn from the best and increase your worth.

What you do today will determine your outcome tomorrow. You grow yourself into opportunity, and there are no shortcuts to personal growth. When you grow intentionally, you will separate yourself from others. Personal growth equals happiness, and recently, scientists have also shown that stress levels will decrease when you grow.

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How to be more successful as a leader

Growing to your potential as a leader takes time and perseverance. Success is not created in a day, it is created daily. By reading this blog, I know that you are among the few who have decided to be more intentional in your personal growth as a leader. For that, I honor you. Here are 11 proven ways to grow faster and with more quality.

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How to grow yourself faster to your opportunities

The best way to grow yourself faster is through the persistence of modeling the best. The power of shaping the best is valid for any area in life. When it comes to learning more about leading all the information is out there. For centuries great leaders have been studied, and the data are written down in books or filed in any other media.

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