Posts tagged gratitude
Time management tips for better results

Why is it that some people get more done than others? Do they have more time, or do they have extra help? One thing is for sure, though, that time is a scares commodity and that you only have 1440 seconds per day. What you do with it is what matters, and here are some tips for you to be more productive during the day.

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The law of attraction and the compounding effect in your favor

What goes around, comes around. This saying is more known as the law of cause and effect. The law says that for every cause, there is always an equal effect. If you send out positive emotions, they will eventually come back to you in one way or another. However, if that feedback doesn´t happen right away, people might stop believing that there is a correlation. 

The common mistake people do is that they suffer the lack of patience and persistence. The positive effects of growth and the result thereby will always také time. 

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How to practice gratitude every day in a simple way

The universe loves gratitude. Give positive energy to the world, and the world will give positive energy back to you. Start with yourself and be thankful for the things you have instead of focusing on the things you don´t have. Gratitude is like an energy field with its frequency. Tapping yourself into more gratitude will change your energy field, and more positive things will come to you.

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