Posts tagged self improvement
How great leadership can improve personal and business result

If you want to change a company, you have to change the leadership. With great leadership, you can solve problems and maximize resources.

Even though this is a fact, companies underestimate leadership development. In a technology company, for example, the best engineer is often promoted to be the manager. What happens is that you turn a great engineer into a poor manager.

Managers manage the status quo. Leaders, on the other hand, develop and takes things to a higher level. Managers are like thermometers; they measure the temperature. Leaders, on the other hand, are like thermostats, the turns up the heat. By "turning up the heat," they can massively improve the company's overall result.

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Time management tips for better results

Why is it that some people get more done than others? Do they have more time, or do they have extra help? One thing is for sure, though, that time is a scares commodity and that you only have 1440 seconds per day. What you do with it is what matters, and here are some tips for you to be more productive during the day.

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How to turn the likable switch on as a leader

Being likable is not a nice to have; it is a need to have. Friendly people are more likely to keep their jobs. Not technical skills, not talent, but likability. They make you feel good and are better at creating results.

The reason is that others help likable people more. Friendly people also experience better service and receive more benefits. In other words, be a friend, and it will pay off.

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Be accountable and become the best you.

Have you run out of luck? Are you happy only occasionally? Do you let your feelings guide your actions, and are you slave to the situation? Does it matter what others think and say to you? If the answer is yes, we both know you have a problem. Most likely, you experience stress, self-doubt, headache, or other physical or psychological symptoms.  Can you change this, yes you can!

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