Posts tagged personal development
Time management tips for better results

Why is it that some people get more done than others? Do they have more time, or do they have extra help? One thing is for sure, though, that time is a scares commodity and that you only have 1440 seconds per day. What you do with it is what matters, and here are some tips for you to be more productive during the day.

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The best guiding principles towards personal success

Do you want to be in charge of your life? Do you want to feel happy all the time? Do you want to have enough money to quit your job? Do you want to have the relationship of your dreams? How you define your success or freedom is up to you, but whatever you want, you can get. However, the question is if you are willing to work for it?

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How to generate discipline and harvest your success

Your daily agenda determine your success. As you sow, so shall you ripe. What you do today will pay dividends in the future. The law of cause and effect says that for every cause, there is an effect. When you train a muscle, it will become stronger. When you invest in yourself, you will know more and increase your value. Your income is in direct proportion to the value you bring to the marketplace

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How to grow yourself faster to your opportunities

The best way to grow yourself faster is through the persistence of modeling the best. The power of shaping the best is valid for any area in life. When it comes to learning more about leading all the information is out there. For centuries great leaders have been studied, and the data are written down in books or filed in any other media.

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Servant leadership: Will give you a unique edge in the future

Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone. Many people are only thinking of themselves. When they realize that the world is not spinning around them, they become frustrated. It is not about you; it is about adding value to others. The secret to life is giving. True happiness and fulfillment comes when you contribute and grow yourself.

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Why a positive attitude is key to work success

Attitude is the difference-maker when it comes to your progress in life. Progress equals happiness. Studies have shown that job knowledge and technical skills determine 15% of a person's success. The individual´s attitude and ability to relate to other people stand for 85% of a person´s success. Attitude is an outward expression of an internal feeling.

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