How to grow yourself faster to your opportunities

The best way to grow yourself faster is through the persistence of modeling the best. The power of shaping the best is valid for any area in life.

When it comes to learning more about leading all the information is out there. For centuries great leaders have been studied, and the data are written down in books or filed in any other media.

To leverage, you must know what books you need to read or what persons you would like to model for you to be more effective in your growth plan.

Success leads to clues, and you only have to follow the right tracks. Finding the right path will save you a lot of time.

Proximity is power

Who you spend time with is who you become. Therefore, you need to be around people that are better than you. “If you are the brightest light in the room, get a new room.”

Attending seminars is a very effective way of merging yourself fully into a subject and share the experience with thousands of others. Your emotions get amplified when you surrounded by likeminded people that also want to grow and develop.

Studies have shown that if you want to internalize and learn something, you need to put your feelings into it as well. For instance, the positive effects of self-talk and affirmations will not be the same if you don´t say it as you mean it.

One of the best seminars I have attended is the UPW (Unleash the Power Within) by Tony Robbins. Personally, one of my most vigorous take-ups was the clarity that it gave me in the areas of my life that a wanted to focus more on and the reasons why.

Purpose comes first and actions comes second.

Lunch and learns

Buy a successful person for lunch and learn more. Ask them questions about how they succeeded and the reasons why. Prepare questions in advance.

My experience is that most of the people you interview are open and willing to share their experiences because they get to talk about the person they love them most, namely themselves.

Once I happened to be at an event was the CEO of the cooperate company also attended too, and we ended up having dinner at the same table. Since I had prepared myself for my lunch and learn events, I could use my questions, and I seized the moment out of that pleasant dinners conversation. Even though he was the CEO, he made me feel important, which is, by the way, another common characteristic of a successful person; how to connect with others.


Evaluated experiences are the best learning tools. Often successful people say that the only reason is that they fail more than others. Actual failure will only occur when you stop trying.

A powerful way to learn more from failures from others is by participating in a Masterminds. When you share your evaluated experiences with others, they will share theirs as well. The best part is that you will also get other success stories. These stories will prevent your failures from happening in the first place.

I use masterminds at work together with leaders who are interested in developing their leadership skills. It is also possible to have masterminds online to invite people within different areas of expertise and also be able to earn some money along the way. An excellent site to use is


If you want to grow, you need a mentor — someone who can challenge you and encourage you when you need it. A good mentor is there for you and helps you find your way forward. The mentor's task is to help you to seek within to find your answers.

You have the answers, but you need to find them and alter them along your path. A mentor will help you reach your goals much faster, I can promise you that. Often you suffer from the knowledge-action gap. You know what to do but you don´t do it. Everything is basically one Google Search click away but still so many people don´t go after their dream. A mentor will help you clarify what you want and hold you accountable for the steps you need to take in the right direction.

I have several mentors, and one that I highly can recommend is Tony Robbins Life coaching program. After signing up in April 2019, I have experienced a massive difference for the better in my life.

That is also a finding for me to find the best coach. There are a lot of mentors and coaches out there, but the great ones are harder to find.

When you are dealing with good, you will get a poor result. When you are dealing with excellent, you will get a good result. When you are dealing with outstanding, you will get an excellent result.

Conclusion- “One is too small of a number to achieve greatness” – John C Maxwell.

Find the best and interact with them, and they will help you reach your potential and for you to have a successful and fulfilled life.