How to meditate for beginners

As a leader, you need to have the energy to be able to give value to others.

In today’s society and working life, there is a lot of information that we process. The more we try to take in and comprehend, the more overwhelmed we become.

Sometimes the brain needs to rest and just focus on nothing so that you can heal. The mind is like a muscle that gets stronger with practice, but it also has to rest.

Sleep is one way for the brain to rest, and meditation can be another way.

For many people, meditations seem to be, and they don’t know where to start or how they should do.

Once you get going and find it in your schedule and do it repeatedly, you will get better and better at it. Eventually, you will be wanting to do it and fit it into your daily routine.

It doesn´t have to take much of your time either.

If you want to learn more about meditation and get access to the best tools in the world regardless if you are a beginner or more advanced, you can visit TONY ROBBINS or IAWAKE.

Here are some simple steps you can do to get started.

1. Place yourself in a quiet place, where you won´t be disturbed.

2. Sit down with straight back in a comfortable way so that you can breathe easily. (you don´t have to sit in a lotus position right away)

3. Close your eyes a start to breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth.

4. Notice the fresh air going through your nose and filling up your lungs.

5. Slowly exhale and feel the body getting more and more relaxed.

6. Repeat this breathing for a minute or two, noticing your different body parts getting more massive and more relaxed.

7. Imagine that you see a number series starting from 1, 2, 3, and when you come to 3 you begin focusing on the space between 3 and 4 where there is nothing.

8. Continue breathing all the time, and when you feel like stopping, you open your eyes, stretch a little bit, and you are done.

Your subconscious mind is very powerful. We only use a small part of our brain that we call the conscious mind. If you want to step up a level there are tools that can help you unleash the ultimate powers within your brain called the subconscious mind. Your brain will then guide you towards your goals and dreams. I have used NeuroGym and the resources available there and I can tell you that it has made a huge difference in my life.

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