The best guiding principles towards personal success

Do you want to be in charge of your life? Do you want to feel happy all the time? Do you want to have enough money to quit your job? Do you want to have the relationship of your dreams?

How you define your success or freedom is up to you, but whatever you want, you can get. However, the question is if you are willing to work for it?

Set goals towards your success

Many people don´t know what they want. For example, if you say that you want more money, your subconscious mind cannot interpret what that means. Instead, you have to be more specific. Put down a particular number on a piece of paper together with a time frame. Your mind will then more clearly start working in your favor. 

Apply this clarity for every goal you want to achieve, and I promise you that you will reach them sooner than later.

Grant Cardone talks about the 10X -rule. He says that you should take your goals and multiply them by 10 — that way, your mind has to work harder even to comprehend the goal. At first, you might say that it is impossible, but when you start to ask the right questions, your mind will eventually take you there as long as you don´t give up.

Know your purpose for your success.

Your subconscious mind is so powerful that it will help you to come up with ways and actions even if you cannot see them right away, as long as your purpose is clear. Your mind will also work for you while you sleep.

If you want to make your subconscious mind working in your favor and towards your goals, you can use a mind board. Paste images and words of the things you want, and your mind will start gravitating towards your desires.

Feed your mind with the things you want to see happen rather than the things you don´t want to happen. 

Take massive action towards your success

Successful people have most likely failed more than others. If you dare to fail, you will have the opportunity to learn and grow more. John C Maxwell says, “Jump and build your wings on your way down.” There are no failures, only learning experiences.  

You have to take massive action to create an enormous result. 

Work harder on yourself than you do at work. If you work hard at work, you will make a living. If you work harder on yourself, you will make a fortune. You grow yourself into opportunity.

Where you are today is the result of all the actions you have taken in the past. One thing is for sure that past actions won´t make you where you want to go. You have to take massive steps continuously. If you don´t, it will be like cutting the grass in your garden. Eventually, you have to take more action when the grass grows. 

When people don´t take massive action, the first tendency is to lower the expectations of their goals. My recommendation, however, is never to lower your standards, because you will then settle for average. You will be working for others and probably struggle for the rest of your life, unhappy.

Everything in life grows, and If we don´t grow, we die. My ultimate failure would be if I would meet myself in 20 years and see what I could have been if I made an effort and put in massive action.

Work on yourself

You are in charge of your mind. Therefore, you can control your thoughts and feelings. Since your emotions determine your actions or non-action, it is of great importance for your success to start working on yourself to be more aware of your thoughts.

Sadhguru says that your mind is like a sharp sword. If you don´t have a steady hand, you will cut yourself and perhaps even others with it. Your worst critic is yourself, and why beat yourself with your inner negative thoughts. Start loving yourself and tell yourself all the things you would like to be, have, and give. 

Your mind is a single track. Fill it with positive thoughts all the time, and the negative thoughts will not have room to be there.

If you want to be happy all of the time, you need to look for happiness. Children are masters of living in the moment, and when they see a puddle, they jump right in with a smile on their face. Happiness is living in the moment. 

Start appreciating the little things in life. Small items such as the morning coffee, the sunlight on your forehead, or the birds in the sky are examples of things to appreciate in life. Just by noticing these things, you take the first steps to become more present.

When you learn to love the little things, you will enjoy the bigger things more intensely. 

Too many people postpone their happiness for the next holiday. They might also condition their happiness to outer circumstances such as when I get rich or when I get married, and then I will be happy. By doing so, you are only telling your mind that happiness is out there and for you to obtain only occasionally. 

Start now, and don´t wait for perfection. No one was perfect in the beginning. Procrastination will kill your efforts. The reason is that you have a belief that you are not good enough. Instead of empowering yourself, you sabotage your efforts by saying that you could, should or would, and procrastination is a fact. 

Just do it!

Believe in yourself. If no one else does, you have to believe you can do it. People will doubt your efforts because your progress will make others feel less fulfilled, and their disbelief in you is most often a reflection of their own inability to reach their goals.

Focus on yourself and see yourself succeeding before you even reach your goals. Don´t compare yourself with others. There is always room for more successful people. 

 Ask better questions to reach your success.

 Your mind will answer your questions. Therefore, the better questions you ask yourself, the better the answer is going to be.

Here are some of the questions that I ask myself regularly for me to reach my goals.

What needs to happen for me to reach my goals?

 What has gone well, and why on my journey to reaching my goals?

If I would know what the next step would be for me to reach my goal, what would it be?

Who can I ask for advice?

Focus one a few things and do them well, and you will reach your goals.

 Don´t overwhelm yourself with 1000 tasks. As long as they don´t correlate with each other, you will make little progress towards your goal. The reason is that you don´t become great in one area. Instead, focus on the things that you are good at and let others compensate you in the areas that you are not so good. 

Decision making will help you with your success.

 Successful people make decisions fast, but they stick with them for a longer time than others. This persistent way of keeping an eye on the ball have throughout history proven to be a winning concept. 

Many quits before the compounding effect have kicked in, and they miss out on the positive outcome. Personal growth, physical training or meditation, saving money, etc. are only a few areas where a healthy strategy and massive action will take you to the top.


I hope some of these guiding principles will help you with your success and remember that you are the Captain of your own life.