Posts tagged leadership skills
Create executive presence through body language

Some people have what I call executive presence. When a person with authority enters a room, you recognize it immediately.

Leaders have a particular way of carrying themselves. They hold their head high, shoulders back and chest out. They listen to everyone before they speak and usually summarizes the discussion at the end of the meeting.

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How to be an effective executive leader

There are many common traits for an effective leader. Success leads to clues. Here are some areas significant for exceptional leadership. To be highly effective as a leader, you have to lead yourself. If you cannot lead yourself, you cannot lead others. It is like what they say in an airplane, "In case of an emergency, make sure to put on your oxygen mask before you help someone else.

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The importance of having the right people on the bus

Attitude is like perfume; you cannot see it by you can sense it. If you have a negative leader in a group, the performance of the whole group will be affected. The negative person drains energy from the others, and the overall engagement decreases. You need to find the courage and relieve the leader from the position.

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How to become a better communicator and experience more success

Leadership is influence, and your ability to communicate and connect with others is essential for your success. Connecting with people is the ability to identify with and relate to them in such a way that it increases your influence with them When you influence people, they will follow you and listen to what you have to say.

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How to build leadership skills in the nuclear industry

The Nuclear industry is unique in the sense that safety-related issues can cause severe damages. The accidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima are examples of that. These accidents might not have happened with the right kind of leadership.  Everything rises and falls with leadership. That is why leadership development is essential, especially in the nuclear industry.

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Empower Your Employees And Harvest The Success

When you work in a safety-related industry such as nuclear, the focus is mostly to prevent errors from occurring. Therefore, the mindset is on identifying faults to fix and prevent them from happening again.  When that is your primary target, people will develop a tendency to take a step back because they don´t want to be the cause of a potential problem.

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