Be your best friend, motivator and leader

The best way of living a more fulfilling and joyful life is to be in charge of it. When you realize that you are unique and that you have unlimited power, you will get the life you aspire.

A lot of people are limited by their believes and thoughts. When you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.

Your fears often hold you back. Fear of failure or fear of succeeding prevents you from trying. Here you need to see failure as an opportunity to learn. The more you fail, the better you become. Don´t listen to what others say or what your inner voice is telling you. 

Embrace failure as something positive.

Lack of persistence and not putting enough energy into the areas you want to change is another reason why you don´t succeed. Again your thoughts can limit your actions. If you see yourself as average, you put in an equal amount of work, and you get a mediocre result. That result confirms your belief of being average. So you see, I can quickly become a self for filling prophecy. You need to break that.

See yourself as highly productive, and a super achiever, and your actions will be accordingly. You will experience a better result.

My persistence in writing one blog post every week and adding more content to my social media accounts is starting to pay off. The growth rate of the traffic to my site is exponential, and my point is that you need to lay your brick every day or week and be consistent, and you will create your brick wall eventually.

People overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they achieve over time. The strange thing is that the majority will not even start or pursue their dreams because they think it is impossible.  

Increase your value

Your value to the marketplace is in direct proportion to your income level. To increase your value, you need to invest in yourself and learn your craft until you reach mastery. When you have to reach mastery, you will continue developing your self because you know that personal development equals happiness. 

You can have everything I life if you study it. If you want more money, a better relationship, lose weight, or whatever it is. Study it and focus your activities on the area you want. Where focus goes energy flows.

Train your mind and dance with your thoughts

After I went to UPW (Unleash The Power Within with Tony Robbins) in London 2019, I started applying positive self-talk, exercising, breathing techniques, focusing on being more grateful, visualizing my major goals, cold showers, better diet, and meditation. 

The significant benefits of these techniques are that I am more happy, productive, and grateful. I am calm and at ease in almost every situation, whereas before, I could let my emotions guide my actions in some cases.

At the event, we walked on burning coal, and the purpose was to make a point that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. 

I am a result orientated person, and I always perform at a high level. Still, after the event, I realize that my performance and productivity are now at an even higher level.

The exciting thing is that I haven´t made any significant changes. 

Your rituals become your habit.

Your daily agenda sets the foundation for your future success and wellbeing. Set aside time for yourself. Be smart and use your time wisely.

When you travel in your car, listen to audiobooks or make sure to have several books downloaded to your Smartphone so that you can listen to them while you are commuting to work or when you travel.

Use breathing techniques and positive affirmation and self-talk while you are walking the dogs or when you are out in the park.  

Plan your week and schedule time for yourself. Reflect every day of what went well and why. Challenge yourself and set up monthly and yearly goals and measure what you do every day that takes you closer to your goals. 

Love yourself

You can only love another person to the degree that you love yourself. So the quality of your relations is determined by the degree of how much you love yourself. 

Your mind will do as you tell it to do. If you consider yourself not lovable, you will treat others accordingly and repel people from you.

Lovability is essential for being happy. Train your mind and say to yourself every day that you are lovable and that you love yourself, and you start noticing the difference soon after. 

You have all the power you need to live a happy and fulfilling life. Become your best friend and mentor, and lead yourself to success.