Be aware of the attitude diseases

Your attitude is a product of your beliefs. If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hand. If you don´t see it, your working attitude won´t take you there. 

The belief is like a rock at the bottom of the sea. This rock holds a chain to a buoy at the surface. That buoy is your attitude and can change from day to another. It cannot drift further away than the chain will let it tough. 

You can change your beliefs even though it takes more effort. Start with changing your attitude to a more positive one, while working with your beliefs at the same time.

Your attitude towards life is going to generate what attitude life will have towards you. There are a few attitude diseases you need to be aware of:

Indifference. You don’t believe that you can create a positive outcome. Your perception is that life happens to you, not for you.

Indecision. When would now be a good time to start, is a great question to ask oneself. Many people procrastinate and say that they will start when the spring comes or when the children are grown up. Not going after your dream will only make you bitter when you grow old.
Just decide and go for it. A life full of many adventures embraces many decisions. It is not important how long you live; it is important how you live.

Doubt. Usually, you doubt your self and your ability to get the job done. Your uncertainty creates weak actions that receives a mediocre result. The result then confirms the belief of doubt you had in yourself. Instead, flip the coin around and start to believe in yourself. The understanding of self-worth is the beginning of progress.

Worrying. Many people always worry about everything. They are like heat-seeking missiles searching for something terrible that might happen to them. The more they seek, the more they worry. Soon they become afraid of trying and can only trust themselves and no other person.

The antidote is to start trusting others and ease up a little of your need for control. Use instead your worrying as a power to plan your outcome and be prepared. Don´t be afraid of failing because I can assure you that you will.

Disappointment. Looking back and dwelling about spilled milk won´t get your momentum going. Ask yourself; What is great about this problem or adversity? What can I learn? Not only does your negative attitude drag you down, it will also affect your surrounding who will distance themselves from you. Who wants to be around someone always is disappointing all the time.

An antidote is to train yourself to be grateful. You cannot be grateful and disappointed at the same time. Fill your mind with things you are thankful for every day, and there will be no room for disappointment. 

Pessimism. This is the person who looks through the window and doesn’t see the sunset; he considers the specs on the window. A pessimist always looks for fault, and when he finds them, he celebrates.
Turn this around and start searching for good things as well as negative things, then your life will become more balanced. 

Complaining. You can spend time complaining, or you can spend it playing the game hard, which is probably going to be more helpful to you in the long run. The important thing is not what happens to you; it is how you choose to react to it that matters.

A lot of people will not get to where they want to be, because they will never stop complaining about where they are. Adversity makes you stronger and learn to adapt, adjust, and respond instead of complaining.


Attitude is like a perfume. You cannot see it, but you can sense it. Attitude is a choice and asks yourself every morning what kind of perfume you are going to put on today.