My blogging learnings after five months

After I attended an event (Unleash the Power within) with Tony Robbins in May 2019, I decided to start blogging about leadership. The main reason is to share my learnings as an executive leader and amplify, one of the six human needs that are the contribution.

Leadership is a skill that you can learn, and the more I learn, the more I would like to share. However, blogging was new to me, and the only social experience I had was that I used Facebook and Instagram.

First of all, I created my homepage through Squarespace. It takes just a minute to like it and I think It is relatively easy to use and the support is excellent. WordPress is also another homepage manager that you can use. 

I learned that you have to be patient when it comes to driving traffic to your blog. Many bloggers write a couple of blogs, and when they don´t generate any traffic they think Murphy’s law has hit them again and they give up and quit. 

Content is everything, and as long as you write about topics that others would like to know that you will succeed. Many bloggers eventually experience the hockey stick phenomenon when It comes to traffic growth. First nothings happen, but after approximately 35-40 weeks the traffic increases rapidly to your page as long as you have at least more than 40 blog posts.

Be careful of monetizing your homepage to soon because that could harm your traffic. The reason is that Google has an algorithm for how reliable your website is. 

One parameter is how long people stay on the page. If they get distracted by advertising pop-ups everywhere, they will most likely leave the site right away.

When Google starts to rank your site, more traffic will go your way, and when that happens, it could be wise to start monetizing.

You can see your Google ranking at Google Search Console together with other useful information.

How to drive more traffic to your site

After you create a blog post, you can share the content in many different ways. The more exposure time it gets, the more traffic you will generate. 

Pinterest, Tailwind, Twitter, Facebook, ViralContantBee, Medium, and Mix are the sites where I share my content. They are all creative tools for gaining traffic. Joining different groups in my specific leadership field at Pinterest and Facebook have generated the most traffic up until now.

When you use these sites, it is valuable to have high images to display, and for that, I use Canva. It is free, and you can create pictures that are suitable for your blog text. The more you create, the better you are going to be.

In your blog text, you can add links to other sites or products if you would like to help your readers to reach the things you write about more easily. Don´t just send the readers away to other sites in an attempt to earn money on affiliate likes unless it will add value to your leaders.

Another aspect is also that they won´t stay as long as your homepage with the negative ranking effect, as mentioned earlier. 

Links are however useful for your ranking if other pages will link back to your page (back-links). Linking within your blog is also beneficial for your ranking because your readers will stay longer and read more from your site.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is something you can look into if you want to drive more traffic to your site. Some keywords are better than others. You can use Twinword can help you to benchmark how much competition a keyword has and how often people search for that specific word.

You would like to have a high search rate and low SEO competition. Make sure to add SEO text to every blog that you write because that is what Google will use as part of the algorithm when increasing your page strengths.

If you would like to write good headlines, you can use Goschedule There you can see how good your headlines are and get help to improve them.  

Set up goals

Holding yourself accountable is one of the most powerful things you can do. I have set up a goal to produce at least one blog-post per week. It is not that much effort to do, but over time the compounding effect will take place and do its work.

The same thing applies to anything in life that you want to achieve. Know your desired outcome, your reasons, and investing a lot of action in the specific area will get you anything you want in life.

Use help

When you are determined to succeed and focusing on a specific goal, you will find a way no matter what. You are not afraid to ask for help, and you also have the perseverance to keep trying over and over again.

At Youtube, there are numerous of people how would like to share their learnings and are more than willing to share. Some of the people I have been listening too when it comes to driving more traffic to your site are Caffeinated blogger and Income school.

My results so far

I started my blog in May 2019, and so far, I have created 30 blog posts, and I currently receive around 400-page visits per month (September 2019). 

At Pinterest, I have 2500 followers and about 20 thousand views per month. Many of my pins have generated traffic, and together with group boards and Tailwind, its growing every day.

I hope this will give you some valuable information and encouragement to go on with your own blogging experience. Life is about helping others to succeed, and doing so; you will feel better. 

Keep growing and sharing. Good luck!