How to grow your leadership skills

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How great leadership can improve personal and business result

If you want to change a company, you have to change the leadership. With great leadership, you can solve problems and maximize resources. 

Even though this is a fact, companies underestimate leadership development. In a technology company, for example, the best engineer is often promoted to be the manager. What happens is that you turn a great engineer into a poor manager.

Managers manage the status quo. Leaders, on the other hand, develop and takes things to a higher level. Managers are like thermometers; they measure the temperature. Leaders, on the other hand, are like thermostats, the turns up the heat. By "turning up the heat," they can massively improve the company's overall result.

I have seen groups of people performing poorly, and with exchanged leadership, the result improves immensely.

Leadership is influence. To be able to create a remarkable result, you need to have the ability to influence others.

Have a vision

Great leaders see things before others do. They often shape their future instead of being a victim to their circumstances. People want to be part of something larger than themselves, and leaders can paint that brighter future for them.

It is not so much what you do that count; it is why you do it. People feel most happy when they know that they matter and contribute to a higher cause. 

That is why many are volunteering in different organizations because it gives them a sense of wellbeing and happiness.

As John Maxwell says, "If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present."

Practice active listening when you are with others.

If you are in a meeting, wait until everyone has spoken before you say your opinion. Everyone will feel listened too. Therefore more likely to follow your decision, even if it's in the opposite direction of the proposal.

When you listen to others, they will feel more significant because you value their opinion.

Leadership is when you ask how someone is doing, and you are interested in what the other person has to say.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Be a servant leader, put others first, help them succeed, and help you.


A great leader knows that complaining and criticizing doesn't help at all. The only thing that it does is that it undermines the leader's influence with others. 

A negative attitude is like a boomerang; it always returns to its sender. What you send out into the universe will always come back to you eventually. 

Choose your attitude wisely and start investing in your future by sawing positive emotions into others. Be open and appreciative of others and tell them what a great job they are doing and thank them.  

Affirmation without disciple is delusional.

It takes time to rewire your subconscious mind. Your thoughts become your reality. For most people, their thinking is the number one thing preventing them from living a happier and fulfilling life. Every day you have to say to yourself the items you want to see in your world. 

If you don't program yourself, life will program you.

The majority of people rely on their Eyesight- They judge things according to what they see or hear.

Instead, you should rely on your Mindsight- That is how you interpret what you see or hear.

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Your perception of things becomes your reality, and only you can choose how you see things.

Why every leader needs courage

When people see that you develop and change, they want to pull you down because they don't want to change. If they can't see it for themselves, they can't see it for you. You need the courage to carry on regardless of what everyone tells you. 

Surround yourself with people that believe in you. Proximity is power. 

Why rest is important for leaders

Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure- Tony Robbins.

Highly successful leaders might have accomplished everything. They are running a prosperous business, and the costumers and the coworkers love them. However, they are still not happy. Why is that? 

One of the reasons could be that they have missed out on one of the essential things in life: to master their own emotions. 

Life is not just the passing of time; life is a collection of experiences, frequencies, and intensity. – Jim Rohn

To be able to be in the present and embrace and appreciate your surrounding is an art form itself. Your journey to fulfillment doesn't start from without; it starts from within.

Develop yourself every day.

Every life form strives to the max of its potential except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? 

The answer is: As high as it can. 

When things start to get tough, the tough get going. The problem is that the tough ones are only 5% of the population. To become rich, happy, fulfilled, loved, and successful, you have to study the topics you want to improve. 

You need to read books, listen to experts, and attend seminars. Not only will you reach your goals faster, but you will also be much happier along the way—personal growth and development of equal happiness.

Everything worthwhile is uphill. You need to put in massive action to become a master of your craft. Success is not built in a day; it is built daily. 

Your habits consist of daily positive affirmations, workout, book reading, reflection, healthy food eating, social connections, variations, contribution, love, clarity, and certainty. You are on your way to a more fulfilled and successful life. 

The compounding effect of these habits over the years will strike you and your peers with amazement. 

If you want to learn more about leadership development, subscribe to my training today. I will promise you that your life will not be the same.

Why leading yourself is more important than leading others.

To be able to lead others, you need to be able to lead yourself first.

What you talk about is going to multiply. Unless you want it to reoccur, stop talking about it.

Fill your mind with the things you want to see instead of what you don't want to see.

Your self-esteem associates with discipline. Your self-esteem will increase when you take action and accomplish a result.

When you are low, start doing small things like washing or do the dishes. If you can't handle the little things, you will not be able to handle the more important things.

When you get yourself through adversity, you will feel more energetic. Challenge yourself with new things and take control of your mind. 

Tell yourself that you are loved, and enough, and the fear of failure and belonging will not be as intense.

 Have faith because it is the medicine for worrying. You can't have faith and worry at the same time.

Also, work on being grateful every day. You cannot be grateful and disappointed at the same time.

Why leaders are problem-solvers.

Refusing to see things as they are, is the mother of invention- Les Brown.

When a leader knows his purpose and the desired outcome, nothing will stop him. What separates leaders from followers is that the leader will find a way no matter what. 

A leader doesn't have a Plan B because it takes the focus from Plan A. The leader envisions the future and refuses to see things as they are even though people say it is impossible. 

A failure is just an event and a learning experience. It gives the leader more fuel into the actions he takes. 

The leader continually evaluates and reflects upon the progress and tries to work more effectively. 

Like a child, the leader is excited and curious about learning new things. Questions are the leader's best friend, and he has trust in himself to eventually come up with the right answer or solution.