Why leadership is important during adversity

How you view things is how you do things. If you see yourself as a confident, strong leader, you will act like one. Your thoughts become your reality. 

As a leader, you have to believe that every adversity has something good to offer. When you know that there is a sun behind every cloud, you begin to act more encouragingly and positively.

During adversity, everyone looks at the leader for guidance. It is essential to be decisive and clear. The leader is the one who sets the course and takes everyone through the “storm.”

The importance of being real.

It is essential to see things as they are, not better or worse. Many people tend to exaggerate the overall situation during adversity. Life is always going to be a mixture of lightness and darkness. Positive and negative things are going to happen, regardless if you like it or not. 

Be aware of the situation you are in and take action immediately if you find it necessary. During the Tsunami in Asia 2004, some people stood still in the water even though the big wave was coming right towards them. Underestimation is a significant threat during adversity.

Why the crisis reveals the true leader

During an emergency, the real leader will show himself. When you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice. When you press a leader, good and evil are coming out. For you to learn more about yourself as a leader, you can deliberately put yourself through a crisis to see how you react. 

I don´t mean that you should sail around the world without food or water. What I mean, though, is that you could go camping, travel, or do things out of the ordinary to challenge your comfort zone.

In that way, you will find out if you are a quitter or a whiner if things start to get tough. When you command yourself to jump into cold water, you are telling your body and mind that you are in charge. Do this every morning by taking a cold shower, for example. 

During adversity, your problem-solving skills increase, and you get the habit of doing the work first and resting or celebrating afterward. Most people relax first and say that they will do the job later, which most likely never happens.

Take action during adversity.

Take action and lead by example. During adversity, this is more important than ever. Be credible and “walk the talk.” If you ask for everyone´s help, you have to serve and help others first.

 It is better to do something. At least you can adapt and change if you are not getting the result you want.

How can you grow during adversity?

During adversity, you can grow. You build your confidence during tough times. After every difficulty that I have experienced in my life, I have always come out stronger in the end. The more scars you have, the more you grow. Not only do you build confidence by prevailing the adversity, but you will also be more humble and thankful for what you´ve got and who you are as a person afterward.

Use your team during adversity. 

All of us are smarter than just one of us. Utilize the team around you to get leverage. Delegate and be clear on the roles and expectations of the others. Don´t try to solve everything by yourself. Multiply your result and engage the team early in the scenario even if things seem to be under control. Proactive measures can save you a lot of effort later on.

Why is it important to be flexible during adversity?

Use your judgment and set out a clear strategy with short term and long term goals. Be adaptable to new circumstances and adjust your actions if necessary. 

If you analyze things for a long time, the situation might go out of hand, and you will lose momentum. Make sure to be persistent and secure your endurance over time. Your discipline will help you get through any obstacle along the way.

Why is executive presence significant during adversity?

During a crisis, fear will travel faster than a virus. Negativity will cause people to lose focus and act upon feelings rather than logic. Leaders help people get back on track. Leaders help others to get rid of their negative emotions. A good leadership trait during a crisis is to give hope, security, and encouragement.

The best leader is the one with the most “scars.” The Coronavirus is just another scare, and now is the time to step up and show the world that you are the leader you say you are.