How to grow your leadership skills

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The law of attraction and the compounding effect in your favor

What goes around, comes around. This saying is more known as the law of cause and effect. The law says that for every cause, there is always an equal effect. If you send out positive emotions, they will eventually come back to you in one way or another. However, if that feedback doesn´t happen right away, people might stop believing that there is a correlation. 

The common mistake people do is that they suffer the lack of patience and persistence. The positive effects of growth and the result thereby will always také time. 

The reason is that everything regarding growth has a compounding effect. In the beginning, hardly any result can be measured even though you are taking massive action. However, the more you grow, the better the result is going to be. 

This exponential growth is called the compounding effect and is, according to Einstein, one of the strongest forces in the universe. 

Self-made millionaires utilize this effect by saving money for a long time, and watching the compounding effect do its magic. The money that is continuously put away and saved will eventually have doubled over and over again.

The internet bloggers have seen the compounding effect in the traffic generated to their pages. The first and second year hardly any people visits. Then traffic starts snowballing, and the common is shapes like a hockey stick.

Once you understand the connection between persistence and result, you will abandon short term gains for the long term abundance. It becomes a way of living, and the result is going to outperform everyone else. 

Eventually, you will reach your goal of becoming financially independent or whatever your goal may be. even though money won´t make you happy. However, it will for sure, make life easier. 

Money is not everything, but it ranks right up there with oxygen- Zig Ziglar.

Tools to persevere

During your journey through adversity and failures, a strong belief and purpose are essential. When you are motivated and hungry you are able to continue, no matter what happens. The mind will tell you that failure is an event, not a person. When you fall you get up. The only time failure can defeat you is when you decide to stay down when you have fallen. Always continue.

When adversity comes the only positive things you will hear are the things you say to yourself. Keep feeding your mind with light instead of darkness.

I can recommend listening to Sadhguru on YouTube and the wisdom he possesses. He says that you are in charge of your body and your mind. You can train yourself to master your emotions through meditation and awareness of us being part of the universe. Everything is energy and matter, and that we coexist together.

This gratitude and humbleness make you more resilient to worrying.

Use the awesome forces of the law of attraction and the compounding effect, and you will experience a better life. Work on yourself to continue pursuing your dream. Believe in yourself and have faith in the power of taking small steps continuously.

People underestimate what they can do overtime and overestimate what they can do during a shorter time.