What is the meaning of perseverance?

Everything worthwhile is uphill in life. When you multiply your value to the marketplace, you will experience change. Outer circumstances are not going to change, so you got to change. When you get better, everything for you will get better.

Mental attitude

He who says he can and he who says he can't is often usually right- Confucius

Act as if it was impossible to fail.

If you believe in yourself no matter how tough it will get you say to yourself that there is going to be away. How you use your resources will determine how far you will go. Resourcefulness is the ultimate resource.

I like Will Smith when he says that the difference between you and him if you were to compete over who would stay the longest on a treadmill, is that he is going to die before he gets off. That is how motivated he is when he commits to something.


What's separates us from the animals is our imagination. The mind cannot see the difference between the feelings that we generate when we experience something in real life, or when we imagine it in our minds. That is why we can get so emotional by seeing a movie.

We become how we think we are. When we see ourselves as winners, we act like we are winners, and we receive an outcome. The result then confirms how you see yourself. A book that I can recommend regarding this subject is As a man thinketh by James Allan.

Before Roger Bannister, no one thought it was possible to run a mile under 4 min. He saw himself doing it and shortly after he did break the record several others also did the same thing.

The image becomes much clearer when you see yourself succeeding compared to hoping you will succeed.


Our minds are designed to stop you, at all cost for doing anything that can hurt you. It is when you face your fears you will become stronger. What is the worst thing that could happen?.
Jump and build your wings on the way down.

It is not about how hard you hit; it is how hard you get hit and still will rise. You will not drown if you fall into the water, but you will drown if you stay there.

You need to find friction in your life and when you go through it you will become out stronger.

Competitor drive

To have perseverance, you need to be hungry for the destination as well as for the journey. Otherwise, you will not be able to put in all the work required.

Put yourself in a growth environment and surround yourself with people that want the same as you. Then you will lift each other in a healthy competitive way.

If you stop growing, you will degrade. That is why you should work as number two even if you are number one.

In the book Good to Great, Jim Collins explains the importance of giving your best all the time and how a company can leverage from specific ground rules. These rules are applicable in any company, by the way.

If you are going to take the Island you have to burn all the ships. Your plan B will only take focus from your plan A.

Power of passion

Find your passion in life, and you will never work a day in your life. When you have discovered your purpose in life, then you will do the things you love doing and don't see it as work, you see it as your calling.

You also need to know what you want and the reasons for that.
Action without purpose is a drain of fortune- Tony Robbins

To have a positive attitude and being enthusiastic is like running in a dark room. If you, on the other hand, combine personal growth with a positive attitude, the light will be switch on.

Real passion is contagious, and you will attract people to you.


If you imagine yourself standing in front of a big redwood tree with an ax in your hand, at first, it looks almost impossible for you to cut down that tree. Still, you start chopping the tree for 10 min every day. The tree might not fall the first year not even the second year, but eventually, it will fall.

Motivation gets you going, but it is your rituals that make you grow. Shrink your big dream into sizable pieces. That takes all the pressure off, and you will most likely follow through.

Time is our most valuable asset, so use it well. A lot of people procrastinate and say that they will to 120 % tomorrow. You cannot give more than 100 %, and by doing little things every day, you will outgrow the others by the total amount of time you put into a task. Apply the baby step principle by doing something every day.

The more you learn, the more you will see the force of the compounding effect, which by the way, is enormous.

Small grains of sand each day will eventually turn into a mountain. If you want to know more about what you can to overtime watch the Forest man and what he did for 37 years.

He has been planting a tree every day on the barren sandbar island in the Brahmaputra river. In that time, he has built a forest reserve covering 1,360 acres, which is now the home to wild animals, birds, and plants that before withered and died on the sandbank.

Listen to yourself

You are unique and listen to yourself. Never let anyone else tell you what to do. Others will try to drag you down when they see that you are growing, and they are not.

If you want to go up, you sometimes have to give up certain things.

Develop your hunger

You only live once and start growing to your potential today. There is greatness in you, and if you focus hard, you will get the things you want in life.

Have integrity with yourself. If you say yes, you have to live it. Keep your promises. If you cannot trust yourself, you cannot trust others.

Push yourself more than you think is possible. If you read a book per week in a specific area for five years, you will be world-class in that field.

When will a child walk? The child will walk when it walks. Don't quit on the finish line. You will fail no and then, but if you don´t fail you are not even trying. Keep trying until you succeed.

You have greatness in you, and it is time to unleash it now.