How to grow your leadership skills

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Be accountable and become the best you.

Have you run out of luck? Are you happy only occasionally? Do you let your feelings guide your actions, and are you slave to the situation? Does it matter what others think and say to you?

If the answer is yes, we both know you have a problem. Most likely, you experience stress, self-doubt, headache, or other physical or psychological symptoms. 

Can you change this, or are you deemed for a miserable and unfulfilling life? 

Of course, you can change it!

Your negative thoughts

Most people rely on others to be happy. They seek confirmation through social media or other channels to be recognized. Everyone has an imaginary sign above their heads, saying, “See me.”

Your excuses and negative thoughts are your worst enemies and prevent you from succeeding. The negative beliefs are there to protect you from any danger. It is a survival instinct that any changes could be a potential threat. However, the world is not the same as it was when we lived in the wild, millions of years ago, and sable tooth tigers were our neighbors. 

You might also question yourself if you are worthy of success. Are you good enough or are you lovable are other common thoughts. 

Altogether, these thoughts influence how you see yourself. It also affects the way you see others. I call this the mirror effect. If you don´t trust yourself, you will not trust others. If you don´t love yourself or think that you are lovable, you behave and act accordingly. In worst case, you will not let others love you.

The most active drive in the human organism is to be in alignment with the way we see ourselves. 

Work on yourself

Instead of letting your inner negative thoughts guide you, learn to appreciate and dance with them.

Attach a name and a voice to your negative thoughts. In that way, you can be more aware when they occur. You are then able to either reason or neglect them when they speak to you.

What you say to yourself becomes your reality when you are consistent. You can choose to feed your mind with positive thoughts or negative thoughts. Is the glass half empty or half full? 

What you seek, you should find. Practice to look for positive things. By doing so, you will be present and appreciate everything around you more. Your negative thoughts will not be admitted to build up a root system that might be hard to take away.

All the joy and happiness you need is within you. It is not the experience itself that matters; it is how you interpret the experience that does. 

When something terrible happens, allow your focus to go on appreciating the learning experience instead of saying to yourself that bad things always happen to me. Apply an adapt, adjust, respond- mentality, and you cannot lose.

See things as they are, not better or worse. Never look up to someone or never look down on someone. Focus on yourself and find that inner peace.

Prime yourself every day by saying you are enough, you are lovable, you are grateful, all the joy I need is within me now, etc. That will build a mental armor for protection of negative thoughts, and believe me, it works. 

Try it for a month, and you will notice the difference.

Be in charge

First of all, you are the director of your life. The captain of the ship. The lighthouse in your inner storm.

When you count on yourself and follow-through, you become accountable. You develop more trust for yourself, and your self-confidence increases.

My experience is to start small and build on that. If you can´t handle the little things, you will not be able to handle the bigger things in life.

Don´t be afraid to take the first step. You learn along the way, and yes, you will be terrible in the beginning. Have faith in your dream, and regardless of what others think or say, keep on trying. 

The fear of failing is often stronger than the will to succeed. That is why the majority of people lower their standards or stop the pursuit of their dreams.

Others will try to drag you down when you succeed. The reason is that they feel unhappy when they compare themselves with you. As long as you focus on you, their words will not affect you.

Don´t feel sorry for yourself because no one else will. See every mistake as one step closer to your success.

When you know what to do, always take the first step right away. Procrastination and excuses will not get you closer to your dream; action will.

Master your craft, and you will live a wealthy life, master your mind, and you will live a blissful life.