10 ways how leadership can increase nuclear safety

The best way to grow an organization is to focus on leadership. The better leaders an organization have, the better the result is going to be. Leadership is a muscle that you can train. Your outcome is defined by 80 % relations and 20 % mechanics.

Nuclear safety is a function of basically three things Structure, Understanding, and Behavior. If I were to rank these three, the most important one for me is Behavior, because it will foster the other two as well.

Learn more about how to increase Nuclear Safety by leadership at my e-learning site here, and you will be able to achieve amazing results.

Here are 10 ways of how leadership can increase nuclear safety

1. Value people- The people in your organization are your biggest asset. When they understand that you are there for them, they will follow you. Studies have shown that 1 % increase in engagement in an organization will increase profitability by 20%.

2. Put an effort in growing leaders intentionally- You need to hire leaders that are interested in their personal growth. You can state clear expectations upon them and also enable leadership training, but if they aren´t willing to grow, they won´t.

“If I were to kick the person most responsible for my personal growth, I wouldn´t be able to sit for a week” Groucho Marks.

Another benefit of growing leaders is that they will develop new leaders, and you will see a considerable compounding effect.

3. Create trust in the organization- Trust is the foundation of leadership, and if you don´t have faith, you won’t have the mandate to lead. Walk the talk, show up, connect with others, and don´t put yourself in the first position.

4. Create momentum- Great leadership fosters collaboration and can create winning teams. They also can see the broader perspective and focuses on the things that will create leverage. They are resourcefulness i.e., using the resources in an optimum way.

5. Grow people, and the people will grow the business- You must be intentional in your own and others growth. If people don´t develop, the organization will not perform well over time. Knowledge and understanding of the nuclear industries special features are essential to nuclear safety. Knowing how things work is good, but even more important is to understand why things work the way they do. When people know why they can make the right judgments and decisions.

6. Foster a learning organization- Sometimes you win sometimes you learn. If you create an open culture with a lot of trust, the organization will learn and avoid harmful things from reoccurring. There are no mistakes, only learning experiences, and it is from those your organization will prosper.

7. Apply a graded approach- It´s shown from various companies and organizations that multitasking is not the best way to achieve a fantastic result.

There is a saying, “You sometimes can´t see the forest for all the trees,” and that is so true. A lion tamer uses a chair pointing its legs at the lion when he or she enters the cage. The reason is that the lion is not able to focus on all pins at the same time and becomes startled.

You must focus on the most important things that drive nuclear safety and increases productivity and remove unnecessary hurdles that don´t create value.

8. Focus on the essential processes- Identify the most crucial process in the organization and fine-tune them to perfection. There are many processes in an organization. Identify the most important ones and excel in those areas. If you work together simultaneously at this, you will also be able to apply the 80/20 rule.

20 % of the work will create 80 % result.

9. Have a clear vision with supporting goals- “Anyone can steer a ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course” John C Maxwell. A clear vision and a mission statement drive the organization and its people forward. The hope of the future creates action in the present. If the vision is clear and compelling enough, everyone will think of what they can do to contribute. For many, it´s often something larger than themselves i.e., enhancing nuclear safety through sharing leadership skills to the world.

10. Get to know and work together with your stakeholders- The result of the organization depends on the ability of different stakeholders to interact and work together with each other, both within and outside of the company. As a leader, you must make sure that this happens. You need to take the first step and be the change you want to see, as Gandhi would have said.