The secret to life is giving

When you give to others, you are giving to yourself. You feel better, and your self-esteem goes up. Therefore, giving is a win-win situation. Someone else feels better, and you feel better, jet it´s still hard for many to give.

Why don´t people give?

One of the reasons why people don´t give is that most of us have a limited view of ourselves. Why should I give to someone else, when I can give to myself first, is a question many of us ask.

Instead of being selfish and dwelling about our misery, the medicine for feeling better is to start giving more.

Another reason is that people fall into the trap of expecting something back after they give. That is considered to be trading and doesn´t work in the long run.

Not giving is the same as not loving because you would not like to be hurt

Not giving is the same as not enjoying the moment because you know it is soon going to be over.

Not giving is like not going out into the traffic because you are afraid to get hit by a car.

Why is giving good for you?

When you give, you open a channel to the abundance of the universe. What you believe about life, determines how you perceive life, which determines what you receive in life. In other words, if you don´t think that you can create good for yourself by doing good for others, you won´t even start giving.

For you to see good in others, you have to see good in yourself. When you love yourself, you will be able to love others. Serving is another way of saying to yourself that you are a givable person.

When you start to serve, you will train yourself to see more opportunities to serve. After a while, serving becomes second nature.

One of the most valuable character traits of a great leader is to think of others first. Giving and serving are two ways of manifesting this vital trait.

Whatever you give is going to come back to you in one way or the other. As you saw, you shall reap. It is like throwing a boomerang; it will return to its´ sender if it´s through in the right way.

Love has to be the foundation of giving; otherwise, the benefit for you will always be zero. Of course, you have to be wise in your giving. If you bluntly give to anyone, you might be exposed to someone using you. The positive feeling inside of you will be gone. It is the motive that determines the harvest. 

When you start to become a giver, things will begin to increase for you in all areas of life. 

When you give, it makes the impression that you have something to offer because you are not in shortage. The perception of you will be that you have a good heart, high self-esteem, and are not in a state of scarcity. It is like authority; if you give it away, you appear even stronger.

What should I give?

But what should I give? You might ask. I don´t have any money.

Even though you don´t have much to give you can give of yourself. Spend time with someone you love. Help someone in need without asking for anything in return.

If you give or share your knowledge, people will start offering you money. If you send out love, love will come to you. People will perhaps not remember what you have said to them, but they will remember the feeling they had during your last conversation.

There are numerous of times where I have walked between our different Power plants, and people light up with a big smile when they see me. The reason is that I have invested time and energy in their lives and interests.

What you saw, you shall reap and imagine how nice it is to receive love from others every day, even the days you are in a low state. 

Go out in life and do as the farmers do; saw your seeds. Give to others every day, and the universe will grant you fulfillment and a successful life.