How to market my brand

You may have the perfect product or skills, but if you don´t do marketing, no one will know about you.

Donald Trump’s budget for his reelection campaign is about 1 Billion US dollars, according to Brand Parscale, who is the mastermind behind his upcoming marketing campaign. 

Here are some basic rules and tips about marketing and how you can improve your marketing success in just a few simple steps.

  1. Make sure you involve feelings in your marketing message. Every successful seller knows that people don´t buy according to logic; they buy with their heart. 

  2. Target your audience. If you only place an add on social media without proper costumer research, you are throwing your money away.

  3. Simplify your message. Brad Parscale says that the message should be clear and straightforward. Use stories and metaphorical anecdotes for people to remember your message more efficiently. People tend to remember stories better than facts.

  4. Use the right resources for channeling your message. A traffic source that is working is traditional e-mail marketing. Most people have forgotten that e-mails are what the majority of people are using. It is direct because you don´t need to log in to a site, and the message ends, compared to other websites that goes on and on.

  5. Receive new e-mail addresses by giving away valuable information for free. Once people have submitted an e-mail, they are more likely to buy from you.

  6. Take care of your e-mail subscribers and provide them continuously with high-quality content in a newsletter format.

  7. If you are writing a blog, start answering questions that people have about your niche. The best way of gaining traffic by Google is by providing answers to other´s questions. 

  8. Just posting content and praying for people to read your stuff is not a great marketing strategy.

  9. Find out the 10 most important questions people ask themselves in your specific niche and provide answers to them. You can find all sorts of questions at these sites, for example:

Answer the

Either you record a vlog, write a blog, create an e-mail newsletter and 10X (take massive action) and post these at various platforms. This should be your marketing strategy for this year.

10. You have to know that the majority of people who use social media do if to kill time. There are only a few that use it to educate themselves. Social media is entertainment and by knowing that you can adjust your content to be more entertaining.

11. Use humor, be personal, and give of yourself. To start publishing cat and dog movies is to take it too far, even though it works for many.

12. Try to win different stages. Being on other stages together on your own is the best way of attracting an audience and building a brand. Make sure you have a variety of products to sell and not just one. Successful people talk about multiple income streams.