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How to find happiness and inner peace

Your mind is an extraordinary creation. There is nothing like it in nature. The one thing that separates us from the animals is that we can create our circumstances and our surrounding. The animals adapt to their surrounding. You can do and achieve anything if you put your mind and actions to it.

Your mind is a device that you are in total control over and jet; there are so many of us who are slaves under our circumstances.

Why do we condition our happiness?

When we are in a negative state, we often try to find ways to bring us back to a more positive one. Some people say that they want to stay in their negative state, but I believe that they don´t know how to overcome their negativity. That is why they say as they do. Deep down, every human wants to be happy and fulfilled.

The tricky part when we try to get out of a negative state is that we often condition our terms for happiness. We say that happiness will come when we go on that trip, or when the holidays come. This conditioning limits our possibility to stay in a positive state over time. For example, what happens if the trip is canceled?

Why limit your happiness to some external event when you can be positive almost all the time? Life is not happening to you; it is happening for you.

Don´t get me wrong here. You must, of course, allow yourself to be unhappy or angry at times when negative hits you. What I mean is that you can train yourself to bounce back and overcome negative emotions faster with these techniques that I am about to describe to you in more detail.

Since you are in charge of your thoughts, you are in charge of your feelings as well. Often the lack of inner peace makes you chase your success instead of embracing it. Here is what I mean about that:

Sometimes we are unhappy even if we possess all the things we want or need. We just don´t let ourselves see it. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.

That is why more money won´t make you happy. More money will only amplify your feelings regardless if they are good or bad from the beginning.

Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure -Tony Robbins.

Why is it essential to release and let go?

Here is an example of how your negative state can affect you in a wrong way.

Imagine that you are driving in your car, someone from the side almost drives into you. Your first reaction is most likely going to be fear. Your fear then turns into anger. 

-What a reckless driver, you might say to yourself. Your anger starts to boil up, and you find yourself extremely frustrated. 

When you arrive to work, you are still frustrated, and your whole morning is affected by your negative emotions. Maybe you snap at a college, even though it isn´t your intention.

The person who almost hit you with his car is now far away from you. Probably not even aware of your existence.

Instead of reacting to the moment and letting your inner negative emotions guide your action, you can train yourself to choose another more positive response.

When you experienced that near accident moment, you assumed that the driver was reckless and had terrible judgment. The truth could be that he just had the sun in his eyes and didn´t see you. At that moment, you could have stopped and said to yourself that nothing happened, and no one got hurt. Looking at the situation from that point of view, the meaning of the case could have been different. It is not what happens to you but the meaning you give to it that matters.

Once you learn how to increase your awareness in every situation, this “Release and let go” technique will guide you to a more fulfilled and happier life.

Since evaluated experience is the best learning tool, take your time to regularly reflect on the situations where you successfully were able to let go of your negativity. The more you do this, the better you will become.

The balance between resisting and submission

If you are an oak tree that fights the storm, the storm will eventually win, and the tree is going to fall. If you are the grass on the field, you will only bend for the wind, but when the storm is over, you will rise again.

Train your mind daily with positive affirmations. You can call them mantras, and it is what you say to yourself continuously that becomes your reality. Habits and past experiences form your mind, and if you tell it how it should react, it will eventually do so.

That is why successful people work with visualization and positive affirmations. 

– I am the greatest, Mohammed Ali.

You have to say these things several thousand times to internalize them into your subconscious mind. Also, you have to take action accordingly because word without action is only dreams. 

Start to program your mind with these superpowers today. Imagine what you will be able to do, feel, and act when you have charged yourself over time with these affirmations:

I can handle every situation.

I am grateful for ……

I can let go of all negativity when I have to

I see good and opportunity in every situation

I live a fulfilled and happy life

I value myself

I love myself

I am a master of living in the present


If you want to find out more about how to attract what you want more valuable information can be found here.

When you start this new programming, your mind will check if you are authentic to yourself. Every time you act in the way of your affirmations, you strengthen your subconscious mind. Eventually, your affirmations and your actions will be the same, and you have improved your life. 

I always say that you grow yourself into opportunity. Now you have the opportunity to apply these techniques and live a happier and fulfilling life. 

Good luck, and keep growing to your potential!