How to grow your leadership skills

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The Law of attraction 

In your body, you have an inner and outer awareness. Your brain and your neurons are the command center of your body.

This command center has helped humans to survive during the evolution by protecting us from tigers and other dangerous animals. When we see a threat, our body releases adrenaline and prepares us for a fight or flight mode.

What you see and hear creates a feeling. That feeling triggers an action or inaction.

In today’s society, there aren´t as many dangerous animals around anymore to be afraid of. Instead, there might be other fears that trigger the same reaction.

Many of your fears today aren´t real. They are only made up in your head, such as fear of failure, fear of not being enough, or not being loved.

Knowing that your body is there to protect you, you can start learning how to control your feelings and get a better outcome.

Many of us experience that our response is bigger than the problem? Learn to control your emotions and you will have a big advantage.

Your brain is triggering chemicals.

Your brain is creating different chemicals in various situations but I want you to know that you are in control and can learn how to make the best of it when they appear.

Take adrenaline, for example. In certain situations, you want a higher stress level to perform at your best.

On the other hand, if you have too much adrenaline in your body over time, your body will shut down, and you will catch a disease or be extremely tired.

You cannot eliminate these chemicals from appearing; however, you can limit the occurrence and the outcome of their appearance.

Work on your inner self

Often I talk about the importance of leading yourself before you can lead others. The best leaders have made an inner journey and figured out their strengths and blind spots.

An example is what I call “Executive presence,” where you don´t let your emotions dictate your outcome.

Another one is the way you see yourself is the way you see others. If you believe and trust yourself, you are going to believe and trust others. I call this the mirror effect.

You can read more about how to lead yourself here.

You become your thoughts.

Your life is a manifestation of the conversation going on in your head.

Everything starts with your thoughts, and your emotions will follow. You will find evidence in the physical world that confirms your thoughts and feelings.

What you think about you will attract (The Law of attraction). If you haven´t seen the movie “The Secret”- I highly recommend that you do.

Start by asking yourself what you want. See it in your head. Experience the feeling in your mind. Practice and meditate on it every day, and you will eventually receive the things you want from the universe.

Whatever you focus on expands. You most probably don´t know what you need to do to achieve your goal, but you will figure it out along the way. If you set a goal and know how to get it, it’s probably not a perfect goal.

A lot of people focus on what they don´t want instead of what they want.
“What you seek, you will find”.

As long as you keep going and trying, you will eventually get to where you want to go.

Boost yourself and be happier with a growth mindset.

The ambition to live is tied to your release of Dopamine. It is what makes you move forward.

How can you then increase your dopamine levels?

Well, be in pursuit of something (set a goal) and celebrate the effort more than the end goal. An often misunderstood concept is that people often think that they will be happy when they get what they want. Instead, it is the pursuit of your goals that make you happy.

Your body will reward you with more Dopamine during your efforts than you will actually get once you reach your goal. That is why many say that the journey is more important than the destination.

That is also a reason why it is so important to grow to your potential. You can be, do and have whatever you want in life. Continuous learning is necessary for a happier life.

The contribution makes you happier.

Another way of increasing your well-being is by contributing. The secret to life is giving, and the more you give, the happier you´ll get. Writing this blog and sharing my insights with you makes me happy.

Another reward system is linked to gratitude. The chemical released in this case is called Serotonin and helps your body to relax and loosen up.

Gratitude is a good way of increasing your serotonin level. Serotonin is the opposite of Dopamine. Without Serotonin and only Dopamine, you will not experience enough pleasure, even though you reach your goal.

“Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure”.

Relaxation and breathing make you happier.

Another way of increasing the serotonin levels is to sleep and recover well. Meditation can also help you to find inner peace.

An effective way of relaxing yourself is to do a double inhale followed by a long exhale. The explanation behind this is like when you´re trying to blow air into a balloon. You are not able to expand the balloon with one exhale. The same is valid for the aviol sacks in your lungs.

When you engage in this breathing technique you actually improve your ventilation of carbon dioxide from your lungs and you will feel much more energized

Learn faster with a positive state.

If you want to learn something faster, you must be focused and create positive emotions during the learning experience. That is the reason why you learn faster if you are in a positive state. You can also chunk the learning time into smaller portions. It is better to take short breaks and repeat the learning sessions.

Repetition is the mother of learning. When you have done something repeatedly so that it becomes second nature to you, the brain has built new neuron pathways that will be there for a longer time.

That is why I recommend that you read great books more than once.

I hope these tips will serve you well and I would be glad to share more of my knowledge in personal development and leadership training at my site here.

Your friend
