How to grow your leadership skills

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Lead yourself before you lead others

What is a success, and who defines it? Is it how much money you have, or is it your job title? According to the norms of society, these could all be attributes for success. It is so easy to be part of "the rat race." 

For me and many others, success is how to find inner peace.

I recently listen to Wane Dyer, and here are some of his findings to find inner peace and success. 

1..Be open to everything and attached to nothing. Love people for what they are and not for what you think they should be. What you think about becomes your reality. Many people limit their world with the thoughts they have or what others think about them.

The best thing you can say to a child is:

-Do whatever you would like to do. You can become whoever you want. You have greatness in you, and you are enough, and as your father/mother, I will always love you, no matter what.

There are so many people with limiting beliefs that they received from childhood.

2. .Grow to your potential. Become an everyday student. When you learn new things and apply them, you'll feel more happy and alive. Find your passion in life and follow your dream. Know that you are in charge and don't listen to what others say about you. 

3. Handle the small things in life to be able to handle the more important things. When you practice self-discipline, your self-esteem and confidence grow. You start to trust yourself, and that is the first step in trusting others. You cannot give what you don't have. 

4. Make sure someone's opinion of you doesn't become your reality. Listen more to yourself and what your thoughts tell you. Don't let anyone take that away from you. You are in control of your thoughts and chose them wisely. What you think about expands. Every day, fill your mind with the words you want to become.

5. Let the past be past. You are not defined by what other people tell you. Neither are you defined by your history. Yes, you are where you are today because of your past. However, that doesn't mean that you are stuck in your current situation. Past successes or losses won't last forever. If you wish your life should change, you need to change.

6. Live in the moment. Close your eyes and listen to the silence. Focus on your breathing and feel how calm and at ease your body becomes. Nature is fantastic when it comes to recharging your batteries. Sit down by the ocean and meditate for a moment. After a bit of training, you will experience that you are part of something larger than yourself. There is no right or wrong in meditation, relaxation, and focus on your breathing for at least 5 minutes.

7. Stop blaming others for your misery. Once you take responsibility for your situation, it is the first step to change it. You cannot change others, but you can change yourself and your beliefs about your outer circumstances.

Often people get frustrated when they are stuck in traffic. Traffic doesn't care about your frustration. Consider every frustrating moment as a test and decide to be in harmony and calm instead.

8. Avoid resentment; it will only disempower you. If you want inner peace, you have to stop being right or respond to criticism. Depersonalize the message and only accept it if you wish. If someone gives you a present, but you don't take it, who has got the gift? 

You don't die from a snake bite; it is the venom that kills you. If you hold on to resentment or other negative thought too long, they will harm you both physically and psychologically.

Another useful metaphor will come out if you squeeze an orange- orange juice, of course. But if someone presses you, what will come out is what you have inside. It could be anger, resentment, blame, etc. 

When you have reached a higher awareness, you know that retaliation will only live an unhappy feeling inside you. Respond with kindness or with love and forgive the ones who have harmed you. Only with forgiveness, you can let go of resentment.

9. First, say to yourself what you want to be and then do what you have to do. When you start to think like a winner, you will become a winner. The thought you fill your mind with will eventually become your reality.

10. Understand that you are a creation of a divine miracle. Every breath you take, and every heartbeat you experience is in sync with the universe and the world. Be grateful for every moment, and be humble for everything around you. Everything is in perfect harmony.

Be your hero. If you need approval always, you depend on others for your happiness. The exciting thing is that people who don't crave approval receive it even more.

I hope these golden nuggets will help you on your way to happiness and fulfillment. Grow to your potential and define success according to your principles, not according to others' definitions.