How to grow your leadership skills

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How self-care creates self-worth

Are you in charge of your life or a victim to your circumstances? Do you have your own will? One of the ingredients to live a happy and abundant life is to decide what you want. When you try to please everyone, you always end up unhappy. 

If you, in some way, were abandoned as a child, you might have grown up with the assumption that you have to please everyone so that they won´t leave you again. This false perception is, of course, not accurate but can be very real to that person. 

Perhaps you had a parent that was absent most of the time during your upbringing, or one of them had an alcohol problem.

Your need for unconditional love wasn´t met, and now in your adult years, you are trying to make up for it by trying to please everyone so they will like you, love you, and stay with you.

That is why self-care is so important, and when you start valuing yourself, you will notice that people won´t care less about you either.

On the contrary, they will find you confident and respect you more.

By showing yourself that you are essential and that you deserve attention, you are strengthening your self-worth.

A symptom that you can observe in people with low self-esteem is that they often rely on social media. They condition their happiness on and how many likes they can get. Eventually, they are posting all kinds of things to receive that short term self-esteem boost.

You already have all the joy and happiness within you, regardless of what happens on the outside. I once heard a guy say that “It is what it is, and that is the way it is.” Talk about being your victim.

I tell you that you cannot change your outside world but can change your inside world.

Fact is truth; perception is your reality.

Fear of being abandoned or the feeling of not being enough is two of the most substantial concerns. It takes tons of effort and practice to get rid of it since it is childhood experience.

One excellent definition of Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Your thoughts will become your reality. That is why you have to face your fears and show yourself that they sometimes aren´t real. 

Strengthening your self-worth

How you handle positive compliments or criticism is and measurement of your self-esteem. Can you accept positive feedback without saying that it wasn’t a big thing? 

To the other person, it was, therefore, say Thank you, and allow yourself to receive positive feedback.

Show yourself that you matter. Set boundaries, and let others know that your voice counts. Follow throw on your promises to yourself. Finish the things you start. Thereby you are showing your subconscious mind that you matter. 

Spend time alone and experience the happiness you can generate within yourself without the help of others. Write down those things that you have done for yourself. By doing so, it reinforces the feeling of self-worth.

We are taught not to be selfish. However, if your focus is entirely on others, you expect that others will give you an equal amount of attention, which is also selfish.

Self-care strengthening your servant leadership skills

You know what they say in an airplane before you take off. “In case of an emergency, make sure to put on your oxygen mask first before you help another person.”

Always take care of yourself first. If you don’t value yourself, you cannot appreciate anyone else. If you don´t love yourself, you will have a hard time liking anyone else. You might also have a hard time allowing others to love you.

Use daily affirmations and say to yourself that you are good enough, that you are lovable. Look in the mirror and say that you are fantastic. All the happiness you want is within you. Say it as you mean it, and say it with energy. Speak to yourself and feed your faith, and your doubts will starve to death.

Find the places and moments where you know that you are happy. Once you start to practice the art of gratitude, you´ll find out that it expands. What you seek, you shall find. Soon you experience gratitude everywhere, and disappointments hardly ever show up in your life anymore.

You have one life and why not live it to the fullest. Choose a positive attitude and work on your self- worth. Practice makes perfect, and I promise you that you will notice a positive change once you get started.